Corona Metal pack for Cinema 4D

Metal Pack for Corona
Corona material library shader pack for C4D.
Metal pack for Corona render for cinema 4D in 4K PBR textures.
Most of the materials are different from the first version, that’s why it will remain on sale.
Easy to use install the .lib4d in your library browser folder (don’t rename it) and just render…
61 very detailed Corona material library for Cinema 4D.
– Aluminium, stainless steel, copper, steel, chrome, antique silver, old bronze, rusty iron, painted metal…
– AO, physical fresnel, displacement, normal map, layered material, fingerprints, micro scratches…
– Format .lib4d
– Seamless 4k maps or procedurals.
– Drag & drop
– Windows / Mac os x
– Corona for C4D version: 5.2
(Objects are not include)